Seventh Samurai
I think that the main thing that I took away from this film was that samurai is both singular and plural.
The film is 3.5 hours long....that's really epic long. The length gave a more realistic perspective of what was actually happening in the battle (with a title like that you knew there had to be a battle), but it seemed to drag on for me. It really is comprable to a western epic and even though I haven't seen The Magnificent Seven, I could really see how the film could easily be adapted. Even though I usually don't enjoy films like this I sort of respect them. The action and characters are more realistic than some of the strict black-and-white-morality films. Although, I do have to say that I wish I knew more about the culture behind the film because it was quite obvious in some places that we just weren't getting it because we were americans. That said, the characters were still fairly easy to relate to.
The film was made in 1954, but the cinematography was really ahead of its time and superb for that era. Paul made the comment that he thought it had been filmed later because of all the tracking shots.