Now and Later

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Me llamo Ángela. Me van a matar. [English Tagline: My name is Angela. They're going to kill me.]
This is by far the best foreign horror film that I've ever seen. Granted, the only other foreign horror film that I've seen was "Anatomy", which was ok in a spoofy sort of way. But Tesis was a genuine thriller. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but even I wasn't completely sure who the murderer was until it was revealed.
The really awesome thing about this film is that it is all about watching films and it makes the audience feel like they are just as bad as the "villain". The heroine of the film, Ángela, is doing her film school thesis, hence the title, on violence in the media. At the end of the film it shows a news show that is showing a tape of the events of the murders. Everyone is watching avidly in morbid curiosity, even as the news program states their incredulism that these kinds of scenes have an audience. An overall point of the film is that we are all, to some extent, sick.
I have to agree somewhat to this message. During the film there is a part where Ángela is watching a tape of someone being murdered. At first all we can hear is the sound and we aren't sure what is really going on. I admit that I was burning with curiosity until they actually showed what was on the tape, then I was just sick.
Another thing that I really like about this film is that Fele Martinez, who plays Enrique Goded in La Mala Educacion, played a geeky film nerd!
I want to have his babies.


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