Now and Later

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Prestige

I'm sick of movies that are supposed to be this humongous mystery that I figure out halfway (or sooner) through. I don't know how easy it was for other people to figure it out (don't worry, I'm not going to give it away here), but I got it after the first 45 minutes or so.
Actually this film wasn't half bad if you don't watch it for the "mystery".
(don't say I didn't warn you)
The thing that I found most intriguing about this movie is what the two magicians do to be the best. One and his brother sacrifice their own personal lives in order to share one successful life as a magician and, in doing so, they lose the women they love and one loses his life. Also, one of them willingly cuts off two of his fingers to maintain the illusion. What I really find amazing is that they had to have planned this for a really long time. They were able to keep up the facade that they were one person because nobody knew that there were two of them.
Their rival magician essentially commits suicide over and over again. He uses his 'clones' in the same way that the other magicians use their canaries. The interesting part is that his clones are himself and that they willingly go through with it. In fact, it is even unclear as to whether or not the original even survived.
I lust after both Hugh Jackman and Christian Bail.


Blogger Paul Jacobson Smith said...

I was certain that the rival magician wasn't using clones and was trying to fool you as the audience and Christian Bale into believing he did. Rather the only person who he ever killed was his lookalike, who we already knew existed. The magician had never had his fingerprints taken due to never being accused of a crime and everyone only knew what they had seen.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Paul Jacobson Smith said...

I was certain that the rival magician wasn't using clones and was trying to fool you as the audience and Christian Bale into believing he did. Rather the only person who he ever killed was his lookalike, who we already knew existed. The magician had never had his fingerprints taken due to never being accused of a crime and everyone only knew what they had seen.

6:20 PM  

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