Now and Later

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Willow & La Lengua de las Mariposas

I saw two really cute movies this week. The films club showed Willow and my Hispanic film class showed La Lengua de las Mariposas. I have always loved Willow, but I hadn't seen it in a long time. That mades it all the better because it was like meeting a good friend that I hadn't seen since grade school. I'm really disappointed in Sorsha though. She was, by and large, a useless character. She was also the typical swoony woman, despite her being in armor 95% of the time. Madmartigen (sp?) proclaims his love for her and she immediately falls into his arms...I think that is slightly pathetic.
Paul told me that at one point in the production they were going to have the fairies be evil. I'm so glad they didn't go in that direction, it would have made no sense and there would have been too many villains.
The brownies are my favorite characters. :)
La Lengua de las Mariposas was a delightful surprise. It's about a little boy and his relationship with his teacher, set in 1936 Spain. Like all of the movies in that class it was political, but that was more a backround to the boy's life. The final lesson of the movie (w/o giving away the plot) is that it really screws kids up when adults do hateful things and force them to do those things as well. I recommend this film to everyone. There is some brief nudity, but nothing really major.


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