This was an adorable film written by a Minnesota stripper. I didn't realize that it was going to be so "ahhh" inducing, despite the fact that I knew it was about teen pregnancy. The main character Juno was very interesting. I was expecting her to be harder, more bitter. But she was adorable in an awkward and quirky way. Usually when they show "loner" or "outsider" types in films they don't have a positive outlook at all. Also, teen pregnancy is usually portrayed as such a negatively life changing thing. The girls are portrayed as slutty pariahs. This film wasn't like that. Juno was looked down upon by some for being pregnant, but her family was very supportive and nobody really called her slutty.
The upper crust couple was also interestingly portrayed. Vanessa's character was frighteningly upper middle class in the beginning. But, as the film went along, her desire and readiness to be a mother was...touching.
Where exactly does the slang "wizard" come from anyway?