Now and Later

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Santa Sangre

I was really disappointed that this film is in English. There is no reason, that I could tell, for it to be and many reasons for it to be in Spanish. The director and all of the actors were Hispanohablantes and it was filmed in Mexico.
Other than that it was really interesting. There was some debate between the audience members as to whether or not Fenix actually killed all of the women in the graveyard scene. I don't know that he did. They all looked alike, so it could just be that he was imagining it, he was crazy after all.
The symbolism of the eagle was also very interesting. It is the symbol of strength, pride, and also of Mexico City. It is quite clear why Fenix's father wanted to tattoo an eagle on his son's chest. However, Fenix's fixation on himself as an eagle isn't as clear. Why would he envision himself as something that is so clearly associated with his father. Fenix idolized his mother,why wouldn't he envision himself as being something related to her.


Blogger Ivory said...

Ok, I'm posting this for Paul who, apparently, is having difficulty w/ his account:
I was thinking about Santa Sangre after your blog and maybe Fenix really envisioned himself as his father, he was scared of his mother and that was why she controlled him, but perhaps he identified with his father. From his point of view, I think his mother was domineering his father and ultimately killed his father for rebelling against her. Perhaps he didn't identify with his psycho mother at all. Maybe it's the opposite of Psycho. There are some things in the film to support this, such as when he was watching his parents have sex, his mother was on top (the way a dominant woman would be in symbolism). Also he resented his mother. When she left at the end he didn't miss her, instead he was finally glad she was forever out of his life, no longer looking over his shoulder as she did to his father.
Oh and furthermore it was his father who was there for him at his elephant's death. His mother was standing back and barely attending. His father had his hand on his boy's shoulder even if his form of comfort was to tell the boy to grow up.

1:18 PM  

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