The Magic Flute
Paul is probably disapointed in me for not using the ....ummm, Finish (?) title, but I just can't spell it. Anyway, the film was an opera about a prince (though they never say where he is a prince of) who is sent to rescue a fair maid. At first we are told that Pamina, the fair maid, was kidnapped by an evil villain, named Sarastro, and that her mother desperately wanted her back because she missed her. However, we later learn that Sarastro is Pamina's father and that he kidnapped her to save her from her mother's influence.
The movie opens with a ten minute overture, during which the audience is shown. It is basically ten minutes of staring at people's faces. In my opinion this is an utter waste of time and really boring. I do like the fact that the villain is a female, but I don't like the fact that she is a villain BECAUSE she is female. There were some really sexist premises in this film. Apparently it was originally written with even more, but Bergman toned it down a lot. Anyway, did anybody else have anything to say about the film?
Mostly I just like Papageno and the guy who plays him. I'd watch the whole movie over and over again just for Pa-Pa-Pa!
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